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Introduction to news writing

Below you will find all lessons related to introduction to newswriting in the Writing module. The default table setting shows lessons in the sequence they are recommended, but you can also use the headers to sort for lessons according to the time it takes to teach the lesson, the type of lesson (direct instruction, projects, etc.), and the requirements for technology, and which lessons include modifications for special populations (gifted and talented, special education, etc.).
LessonOrderTime to teachType of lessonTech needsModifications
News defined: What is news?145-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
News values: What makes it news?245-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Basic news lead: The 5W's and H3More than 90 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
News writing structure4More than 90 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Practicing form: Fairy tale news stories5More than 90 minutesPractice/ formativeNo computers
Finding the news6More than 90 minutesPair/ group workSome computer access
The right source720-45 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Establishing a beat system8More than 90 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Analyze the pros: Reading news from a news writer's perspective9More than 90 minutesAnalysis/ critiqueSome computer access
News writing tips and tricks10More than 90 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Beyond the snore: Covering annual events11More than 90 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Revising and editing news stories12More than 90 minutesPractice/ formativeSome computer access
Using reading strategies to peer edit1345-60 minutesAnalysis/ critiqueSome computer access

Types of news stories

Below you will find all lessons related to types of news stories in the Writing module. The default table setting shows lessons in the sequence they are recommended, but you can also use the headers to sort for lessons according to the time it takes to teach the lesson, the type of lesson (direct instruction, projects, etc.), and the requirements for technology, and which lessons include modifications for special populations (gifted and talented, special education, etc.).
LessonOrderTime to teachType of lessonTech needsModifications
Writing news briefs1More than 90 minutesPractice/ formativeSome computer access
Writing a preview story2More than 90 minutesPractice/ formativeSome computer access
Writing sports news345-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Alternative formats and polls to enhance news coverage4More than 90 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Writing headlines5More than 90 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access

Features and personality profiles

Below you will find all lessons related to features and profiles in the Writing module. The default table setting shows lessons in the sequence they are recommended, but you can also use the headers to sort for lessons according to the time it takes to teach the lesson, the type of lesson (direct instruction, projects, etc.), and the requirements for technology, and which lessons include modifications for special populations (gifted and talented, special education, etc.).
LessonOrderTime to teachType of lessonTech needsModifications
Resource: Feature writing examples1VariableResource databaseNo computers
News reports vs. feature stories245-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Types of feature stories3More than 90 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Finding features: 20 stories about lockers445-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Building background: Starting the reporting process545-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Introduction to personality profiles645-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Modeling a profile interview745-60 minutesPractice/ formativeNo computers
Conducting the first interview845-60 minutesPair/ group workSome computer access
Magical second interviews9More than 90 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Finding a theme and gathering information1045-60 minutesPractice/ formativeSome computer access
Team interviewing fishbowl1145-60 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Developing questions for a profile1245-60 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Finding and focusing for fast turnaround13More than 90 minutesPair/ group workSome computer access

Scene building and storytelling

Below you will find all lessons related to scene building and storytelling in the Writing module. The default table setting shows lessons in the sequence they are recommended, but you can also use the headers to sort for lessons according to the time it takes to teach the lesson, the type of lesson (direct instruction, projects, etc.), and the requirements for technology, and which lessons include modifications for special populations (gifted and talented, special education, etc.).
LessonOrderTime to teachType of lessonTech needsModifications
Introduction to vignettes145-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Writing a vignette2More than 90 minutesPractice/ formativeNo computers
Revising to be heard3More than 90 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Start strong, end strong4More than 90 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
What's in the middle of your feature?5More than 90 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
What's in the middle of your profile?6More than 90 minutesDirect instructionNo computers

Opinion and editorial writing

Below you will find all lessons related to opinion and editorial writing in the Writing module. The default table setting shows lessons in the sequence they are recommended, but you can also use the headers to sort for lessons according to the time it takes to teach the lesson, the type of lesson (direct instruction, projects, etc.), and the requirements for technology, and which lessons include modifications for special populations (gifted and talented, special education, etc.).
LessonOrderTime to teachType of lessonTech needsModifications
The difference between news and opinion145-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Parts of an opinion section245-60 minutesPractice/ formativeNo computers
Types of opinion stories345-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Editorials and news445-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Types of editorials545-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Ethical concerns with editorials645-60 minutesPair/ group workSome computer access
Using evidence in editorials745-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Organizing an editorial845-60 minutesPractice/ formativeSome computer access
Counterarguments945-60 minutesPractice/ formativeNo computers
Developing problem-solution counterarguments10More than 90 minutesPair/ group workSome computer access
Using evidence to support opinions1145-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Editorial voice1245-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Evaluating editorials with a rubric1345-60 minutesAnalysis/ critiqueNo computers
Peer editing and sharing1445-60 minutesPair/ group workSome computer access


Below you will find all lessons related to introduction to writing columns in the Writing module. The default table setting shows lessons in the sequence they are recommended, but you can also use the headers to sort for lessons according to the time it takes to teach the lesson, the type of lesson (direct instruction, projects, etc.), and the requirements for technology, and which lessons include modifications for special populations (gifted and talented, special education, etc.).
LessonOrderTime to teachType of lessonTech needsModifications
Say something with columns145-60 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Brainstorming column ideas245-60 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Tone in column writing345-60 minutesPractice/ formativeNo computers
Peer revision445-60 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Becoming a columnist545-60 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Descriptive writing and expertise645-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Ethics in column writing7More than 90 minutesDirect instructionNo computers


Below you will find all lessons related to introduction to writing reviews in the Writing module. The default table setting shows lessons in the sequence they are recommended, but you can also use the headers to sort for lessons according to the time it takes to teach the lesson, the type of lesson (direct instruction, projects, etc.), and the requirements for technology, and which lessons include modifications for special populations (gifted and talented, special education, etc.).
LessonOrderTime to teachType of lessonTech needsModifications
Parts of a review145-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Ethics, leadership and reviews245-60 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Review assessment345-60 minutesAnalysis/ critiqueNo computers
Peer revision on reviews445-60 minutesAnalysis/ critiqueNo computers
The arts and entertainment section545-60 minutesPair/ group workNo computers
Top 10 reasons to write a list review645-60 minutesPair/ group workSome computer access


Below you will find all lessons related to writing satire in the Writing module. The default table setting shows lessons in the sequence they are recommended, but you can also use the headers to sort for lessons according to the time it takes to teach the lesson, the type of lesson (direct instruction, projects, etc.), and the requirements for technology, and which lessons include modifications for special populations (gifted and talented, special education, etc.).
LessonOrderTime to teachType of lessonTech needsModifications
A sneaky introduction to satire145-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Introduction to satire245-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Ethics and satire345-60 minutesDirect instructionNo computers
Avoiding libel in satire445-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
What are editorial cartoons?545-60 minutesDirect instructionSome computer access
Designing an editorial cartoon645-60 minutesPair/ group workNo computers

Humans of your school personality profile