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Dissecting design


This first lesson in the design foundations unit exposes students to basic terminology, functions and foundations of design by drawing upon characteristics they find appealing in print publications.



  • Students will learn and recite definitions of design terms.
  • Students will be able to explain basic concepts of color application, purpose and use.
  • Students will understand the role of grids and spacing in a design’s effectiveness.


Common Core State Standards



Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context.


Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.


Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible.


55 minutes




Slideshow: Dissecting Design

Rubric: Dissecting Design Assignment



Newspapers and magazines




Lesson step-by-step
1. Warm-up activity — 10 minutes

Students should complete a journal entry using the prompt “What print publications do you like to read regularly (newspapers, magazines, etc.) or browse while you are waiting in a doctor or dentist office? What makes them appealing?” Write publication names on the board while students respond, placing check boxes next to the ones with multiple votes. Ask: “Why do you like those particular publications?” in order for the group to get a general feel for what makes those particular publications special.

2. Direct instruction — 20 minutes

Use the Dissecting Design slideshow to present material on what makes design appealing. This will include type, color, modules and columns and art. Pause for discussion as needed and check for understanding.

3. Practice — 20 minutes (Finish as homework if necessary.)

To complete this assignment, students will look through old newspapers and magazines to find and cut out examples of the following elements that create visual interest:

  • 2 examples of good type use
  • 2 examples of good color use
  • 2 examples of modules
  • 2 examples of good art use

Instruct students to glue the examples to a sheet of paper (or multiple sheets depending on example sizes) and number them accordingly. On a separate sheet of lined paper, students should write 2-3 sentences for each example explaining why they are good representations of those elements … what made them stand out?

The assignment should be evaluated using the rubric provided.



Students can be paired for the practice activity in order to match those who need extra support with a partner, or they can find one example of each criteria instead of two. Some students may need to explain their examples orally instead of completing the written component.

If the class is a mixture of advanced and beginning students, those who need enrichment or an extension can create their own examples using desktop publishing software instead of finding examples from existing print designs.