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Using Videolicious to create introductory videos


Originally created for businesses, Videolicious is a free video production platform that allows the user to create one-minute videos solely from their mobile devices with still shots, video footage, and voice over. This lesson will give students practice not only with the app, but also with script writing, photo selection, and shooting video. As a final assignment, students will create video self-introductions. Because Videolicious does not require intense editing, it’s a perfect fit for the start of the year.


  • Students will select photographs that help tell their introduction story.
  • Using mobile devices, students will film B-roll that helps tell their introduction story.
  • Students will practice storyboarding as they plan their introduction story.
  • Students will practice script writing as they write a script for their introduction story.
  • Using Videolicious, students will edit together photos, B-roll, and narration into a self-introduction video.

Common Core State Standards

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.1.D Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented.


Three hours


Handout: Videolicious step-by-step

Video: Videolicious step-by-step

Handout: Videolicious practice video checklist

Handout: Script writing tips from

Slideshow: Basic multimedia broadcast terms

Sample: Videolicious introductory video

Handout: Self-introduction video assignment

Rubric: Self-introduction video assignment

Handout: Charting your classmates

Handout: Videolicious exit ticket brainstorm

Lesson step-by-step

Introduction and Basic Terms Slideshow – 5 minutes

1. Teacher will explain that sometimes video production can seem daunting because of all the technical skills and know-how experienced students and professionals have acquired over the years. They key is to get your feet wet, one step at a time.

2. Lead a brief discussion: What do you think of when you think of television news stories? What are the main components? Students should might list terms like anchors, videos, photos, interviews, etc…

3. Make it clear to the students that all they need to know for this first assignment are the Broadcast Basics (refer to slideshow “Basic Multimedia Broadcast Terms” if students need review in this area).

Videolicious: step-by-step – 40 minutes

4. The first thing students should do is download the Videolicious app on their smartphone. This app works with both iPhones and Androids. Should students not have a smartphone, plan to have iPads or tablets pre-loaded with Videolicious for them to use either individually or in small groups.

5. Whenever you’re introducing students to a new technology, it’s important to have some element of play. Give students 10 minutes to “play around” with the app. You’ll find that they will become familiar with some of the features just by exploring on their own.

6. Once students have had some time to explore Videolicious, pass out the Step-by-Step guide. Students will create a brief 15-second video according to the steps on the handout. As this is a formative assessment, the teacher can grade it according to the checklist handout or simply give students a grade for completing the steps. *Note: it takes approximately 20 minutes to make one video.

7. This a logical stopping point for one 45-minute class. The teacher should watch each of the videos and select 2-3 exemplars to share with the class either the following class period or before the end of the 90-minute block.

Creating the Self-Introduction Video – 60 minutes

8. Explain to students that they are now experienced video editors. For their next assignment, they will create self-introductory videos that the class will view so that they can get to know one another. If necessary, they can use the Step-by-Step guide as they go through the process.

9. Pass out assignment sheet to students and go over the various requirements, reminding them of these important points:

  • Videos can be no longer than one minute. The app WILL cut them off.
  • Use only horizontal photos and videos.

10. Before students begin their videos, hand out or direct students to the link for “Script Writing Tips from” Once they have selected their photos and B-roll, they should write a script for their introduction, keeping those tips and their content selection in mind.

11. Students should spend the rest of the class period either gathering content or creating content, writing their script, and/or recording their videos. *Note: it takes approximately 30 minutes to make one video.

Sharing the Self-Introductions – 45 minutes

12. This phase of the lesson should occur at the start of the next class period so that the teacher has time to make sure all uploads were completed properly and preview the videos.

13. While viewing, students should write one thing they didn’t know about each of their classmates on the handout included; at the bottom of the chart is a spot for students to list one person they’d like to get to know better, based on the introductions. Teacher should collect these charts.

14. Using the charts, the teacher should put students into small groups according to who people would like to work with (although don’t tell them in advance this is what you’re doing!). For the sake of time, it would be a good idea for teachers to go ahead and put students’ names in the chart, in viewing order (alphabetically would probably be most convenient).

15. As an exit ticket, these small groups should brainstorm all of the different ways they can use Videolicious to tell short, one minute stories about different aspects and events in the school community.


If your staff would like to use these videos as PR for your program, these videos can be tweeted out, posted on Instagram, or shared via Facebook so that the school can get to know the journalists in charge of telling the stories of the year. Alternatively, if students would like to create videos that introduce their programs to the school, this is a good way to get new staffers that don’t have as much editing experience involved.


Should your school and/or program not have mobile devices available, this assignment can be completed via PowerPoint with recorded narration.

English Language Learners may record their introductory video in their first language.